EPDM foam
EPDM FOAM our types EPDM2025 Density: 130kg/m3 Color: black Regular sizes: 2000×1000 four sides trimmed Block Thickness; 50mm skin removed Charactors: High elastic High endurance Anti-aging, anti-chemicals APPLICATIONS: Automobile Gaskets Sports Electronics Household electrical appliances Refrigerator Item unit EPDM2025 EPDM3540 Density kg/m3 131.5 217 Enlongation Ratio % 171 244 Tensile Strenth Mpa 0.76 1.24 Water Absorption % 5.1 4.1 Compression set25% 72h 23℃ % 5 2.9... -
Plastazote foam Food or Medical use
Physically cross-linked Plastazote foam LD30,LD24,LD45, HD80, EV50,EV30 FOAMS Sizes: 1mx2m Color: black, white, blue etc Features: Pure, less odour High performance foam Food or medical grade Physically cross-linked foam superior performance and lighter weight. Application pads, cushion, package, sport, seals etc packaging automotive (thermoformed parts) aerospace electronics healthcare thanks to their inert qualities construction sport (protective padding) marine where buoyancy is crucial in... -
EVA 30 foam
High Elastic flexible Cross-linked EVA foam EVA 30 foam S-3000 Density: 30kg/m3 Sizes: 1mx2m 100mm thick Color: black, white Features: High elastic and flexible, Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application insulation, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making Reference technical data Models S-3000 Plate sizes 2000×1000×100mm Items unit range density kg/m... -
High Performance Cross-linked PE foam PE90 foam L-1500 Density: 90kg/m3 Sizes: 1x2m 90mm thick Color: black, white Features: High performance, Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application inserts, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making -
PE 30 foam
High Performance Cross-linked PE foam PE 30 foam L-3000 Density: 30kg/m3 Sizes: 1mx2m 90mm thick , 1.22×2.45m 100mm thick Color: black, white Features: High performance Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application insulation, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making Reference technical data Properties Unit L3000(PE30) Test Method Density KG/M3 31 ± 5 GB/T6343-2008 ... -
EVA 50 foam
High Elastic flexible Cross-linked EVA foam EVA 50 foam Density: 50kg/m3 Sizes: 1mx2m 100mm thick Color: black Features: High elastic and flexible, Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application pads, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making Reference technical Data Report Properties Unit s-2000 Test Method Density KG/M3 49 ±5 ASTM Hardness ASKER C 26±5 Shore 00 46±5 ... -
PE45 foam
High Performance Cross-linked PE foam PE 45 foam L-2000 Density: 45kg/m3 Sizes: 1mx2m 90mm thick , 1.22×2.45m 100mm thick Color: black, white Features: High performance, Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application inserts, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making Reference technical data Item unit L-2000PE45 L-2500PE40 Sizes meter 1×2 1.22×2.45 Density kg... -
High Performance Cross-linked PE foam PE64 foam L-1700 Density: 60kg/m3 Sizes: 1.22×2.45m 100mm thick Color: black, grey Features: High performance, Prime material, cross-linked mini cell, Application inserts, cushion, package, sport, seals etc Customized shapes available including All kinds of cutting Adhesive backing Heat lamination Special shaped making